How Much Does It Cost to Start a Blog in India

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In Blogging Everyone thinks about How Much it Costs to Start a Blog? or whether Is it free of cost to start a Blog. The answer is Zero Cost.

With Zero Investment you can Start a blog But If you want to become professional then you invest 600 to 800 Indian Rupees.

Starting a blog in India has become quite popular over the years as it is a great way to share your thoughts, opinions, and expertise with a wider audience.

However, starting a blog involves certain costs, and it is important to understand them before diving into the world of blogging. In this article, we will discuss in detail the costs involved in starting a blog in India.

How much does it cost to start a blog on Blogger?

Blogger is the most popular Google Blogging Platform Where you can start a Blog with Zero Investments. But when you do not want to invest in Blogging you have to stay in your domain Blogspot domain your site is very difficult to grow as an authority site and do not have much value in the future.

For Example; you want to choose a domain health-related like but when you cannot invest or are not willing to invest then your domain is in This name is not interesting or not user-friendly.

So, When you want to remove from your domain you should set up or add a Custom Domain on Blogger. You can buy the domain from a Domain or Hosting Provider company. There is many sites available market on the Internet like Bluehost, Hostinger, Go, Daddy, Siteground, Hostgator, Big Rock, Hosting Raja, etc.

After Buying the Domain you have to go in the Blogger Dashboard and click on Settings. After scrolling the page you find the Custom Domain option available. From Here you can add your custom domain after adding the domain your removed, and a fresh domain like

But in Blogger some important SEO Settings you should do before your published article Advance Blogger SEO Settings on Blogspot and apply your site.

How much does it cost to start a blog on WordPress?

Here is the WordPress Answer to the Question How much does it cost to start a blog in WordPress? Is it free of cost? The answer is No. Because you have to invest some money for doing Blogging in WordPress.Let’s talk about it.

1. Domain Name:
The first thing you need to start a blog is a domain name, which is the web address of your blog. A domain name typically costs around Rs. 500 to Rs. 1000 per year. You can buy a domain name from domain registrars such as GoDaddy, Namecheap, or BigRock.

2. Web Hosting:
Once you have a domain name, you will need web hosting to store your blog’s files and data. Web hosting can cost anywhere between Rs. 1000 to Rs. 5000 per year, depending on the hosting provider and the type of hosting plan you choose. Shared hosting is the most affordable option, but if you expect a lot of traffic, you might want to opt for a VPS or dedicated server.

3. Themes & Plugin:
There are several blogging platforms available, such as WordPress, Blogger, and Wix. Most bloggers prefer WordPress as it is highly customizable and offers a wide range of plugins and themes. You may use WordPress freely but if you want to use premium themes and plugins, you will have to pay for them.

Premium themes can cost anywhere between Rs. 1000 to Rs. 5000, while premium plugins can cost around Rs. 1000 to Rs. 3000 per year.

4. Design:
Design is an important aspect of blogging as it helps to create a great user experience. You can either design your blog yourself using a theme or hire a professional designer to create a custom design for you. If you decide to hire a designer, it can cost between (50$ to 100 $)Rs. 5000 to Rs. 20,000 depending on the complexity of the design.

5. Technical Support:
Technical support is important in case you face any issues with your blog, such as server downtime or website errors. You can either hire a technical support team or opt for a hosting provider that offers technical support. The cost of technical support can vary depending on the provider and the level of support you require.

How do Other Important factors influence Blogging?

In the Topic How Much Does It Cost to Start a Blog in India we describe the most important factor which is also influencing Blogging.

1. Content Creation:
Content is the heart of any blog, and it is important to create high-quality content that engages and educates your readers. If you are not a great writer, you can hire a content writer to create content for you. The cost of hiring a content writer can vary depending on the experience and expertise of the writer. Typically, freelance content writers charge between Rs. 0.50 to Rs. 2 per word or 30$ to 50 $ according to their expertise.

2. Marketing:

In Marketing, It is free of cost but you can also use it for paid promotion.

Marketing is essential to drive high-quality organic traffic to your blog and build your audience. You can promote your blog through social media, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and paid advertising.

The cost of marketing can vary depending on the platform and the strategy you choose. For instance, if you decide to use paid advertising, you will have to pay for every click or impression.

3. Miscellaneous Expenses:
Apart from the above-mentioned expenses, How Much Does It Cost to Start a Blog in India? We already know it. There are some other miscellaneous expenses involved in blogging, such as internet charges, software subscriptions, and taxes. These expenses can add up and it is important to keep track of them.


Today’s topic is How Much Does It Cost to Start a Blog in India?is somewhere to help beginner-level bloggers. Starting a blog in India can cost you anywhere Maximum between Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000 per year, depending on the level of customization and support you require.

However, the cost of starting a blog is not the only thing you should consider. You also need to invest time and effort